Plasma Cutting - Custom Metal Designs & Ornamental Iron

Serving Ennis, TX Area
Maverick Metal Trading, Inc. has a 5’ x 10’ plasma table capable of cutting 16 gauge sheet metal to 1” thick plate. It uses a focused beam of highly concentrated high temperature arc, resulting in a smooth clean cut.
We can cut custom gate signs, logos, ornamental wall hangings, manufacturing parts, etc. There is no minimum or maximum order. Please inquire about any jobs or projects you might have. We can fabricate custom metal designs, from ornamental iron designs to fabricated manufacturing parts 14g to 1” thick and 5’ wide to 10’ long material.
Additional Plasma Cutting Capabilities
- Castings, Finials, Post Caps
- 1/2″ – 4″ primed sq. tube for ornamental iron fence
- Custom Gate Signs
- Letters & Numbers (Numerous Fonts Available)
- AR 500 Custom Targets